Thursday, July 2, 2009

On my own...almost

Hey yall! Sorry its been so long since my last update. I had the weekend off so I spent Sat roaming around Animal Kingdom mostly to help myself get my bearings since during training we kept going back and forth on-stage and off-stage. On Sunday I spent most of the day learning my script about SUE the dinosaur and laid out by the pool a bit. Monday was our last day of classroom training which everyone was pretty excited about because we were all ready to just get out there and see how it all goes. So starting Tuesday we were out in the park working KDCs all day. Tuesday and Wednesday were "shadow days" which just meant that we worked in groups of 5 with a core team member who was there as kind of a safety net for any questions or issues we might have had. Those days went really well and I got more high-fives in two days from little kids than possibly ever in my life! lol Today and tomorrow are paired days. So we still have a bit of a safety net but its another intern instead of a seasoned presenter. So today I was letter C and that meant that one of my stations was parade! it was really fun...I got to interact with people and not have to worry about conservation messages! lol and here's an insider tip--the parade at DAK starts in Africa then travels in a circle around Discovery Island and then ends again in Africa so if you want a really good viewing area go to Africa after the parade has been through the first time and all the people have cleared out! We have one more day of pairs tomorrow and then I have the 4th off and then starting Sunday I will be on my own! I'm pretty excited! I'll try to be more regular about updating this from now on!


  1. It sounds as if you are getting everything under control and learning more and more about what your job is really going to be like. I know you will have learned all of your scripts when you get out on your own. Take care and love. Mamamah

  2. thanks for the parade tip--does the park actually close at 5--someone asked me and I wasn't sure....

  3. Hey to all and Happy 4th. What a nice place to celebrate, especially together. Hugs to each. Jo-Jo
