Sunday, July 26, 2009

Monday, Monday...I mean Sunday!

So it was back to work today after a lazy weekend of laying out on my new pool float getting sunburned. It monsooned here today...major rain and lightening which meant that almost all of the attractions were shut down. The most exciting part about today was helping a hurt duck. A family stopped me while I was walking to the gibbons and asked me if I was there to help the bird. I smiled politely and asked what bird? lol they showed me the duck that was on the side of the path who had a hurt wing or leg and so I called it in to pest control and gentley shooed the duck into the bushes so that no one would step on it or try to catch/touch/pet/etc...(ps people are dumb!) but of course as I was in the process of helping the duck into the bushes then came the downpour so I end up rather wet. However, I think some of my fellow presenters had a more exciting day with a little baby alligator who showed up in the Siamangs moat. Needless to say it was a big day for pest control! Also, today we had our monthly morning meeting with a member of the primate keeper team. Since we do staff Siamangs and Gibbons they come to give us updates. Basically the big news is that the older Gibbon daughter is starting her color change from black to blonde and should be finished in about a month.
-sidenote: all baby white cheeked gibbons are born a pretty blonde color, when they reach about 7-8 months they all turn black and then at about 8 years the females change back to blonde because they have reached sexual maturity.
So its really exciting that our girl is changing because it is proving natural behaviors and it means that soon she will be able to take off to whereever there may be a mate for her and she can start a family of her own! I guess that's all for tonight! Hope everyone is well!

DAK fun fact --> Expedition Everest is the tallest building at WDW standing at 199 feet, 7 inches!


  1. so what happened to the duck? Did they get it and take it away? and why is it Pest control and not animal control--duck and gators have feelings too....LOL-love you! have a great week

  2. unfortunately I am not sure what happened to the duck but I feel sure that it was taken care of. The vets at DAK take care of injured native wildlife as well so I know it was in good hands! And because we have so many "animals" we have to differentiate between what we put there and what just happens to be. that's all i got lol
