Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sorry its been so long since the last post! I promise to get better at this blogging thing! Well in the last week nothing terribly exciting has happened. I did have my regular two days off on Friday and Saturday and spent Friday wedding dress shopping with my friend Becky and she found a beautiful gown! Saturday I just spent lounging around and getting things done here at the house and it was my night to cook so I made tacos. Today is Tuesday so it feels like Wednesday for me. It was one of those long days. Possibly made longer because a group of the interns all went out to Hollywood Studios and stayed til 11 but who knows?! ;) Today I had two cute "magical moments" at work. First I was walking from Africa to Asia and I happened to see a little girl trip and fall. She was maybe 4 so I went over to her and asked if they needed to find a way to a band-aid and checked out the knee for her. She wasn't bleeding but you could tell the tears were bubbling inside just about to spill over and then I remembered I had an DAK butterfly tattoo in one of my vest pockets so I whipped it out and got her to smile and totally avoided the crying! The second moment was when I was at Camp Minnie Mickey I was helping a little boy who was beyond adorable and he was maybe 3 and I suggested that we got to the other end of the log (because at that KDC you reach your hands into 4 different holes in a log and try to get what each thing is) and when we started to walk down to the other end of the log he just reached up and held my hand and it was super cute and just made my day!! Other than that it was really hot today but it didn't rain. I guess that's mostly a good thing.

DAK Fun Fact--> there are 103,000 leaves on the tree of life in 5 different shades of green and they are made out of a material flexible enough for them to actually blow in the wind!

Also in DAK news, you may or may not have heard about the baby rhino that was born recently in Uganda but it is actually the first baby rhino to be born there in decades which is a major step for conservation of these animals! However, this baby also has ties to DAK because the mother was actually donated to the sanctuary it was born in from here in 2006. Both mom and baby are doing well as far as we have heard!


  1. awww how sweet of you to go into pre-cry mode and save the parents from a meltdown moment! stock your pockets with tattoos!!

  2. Or stock them with bandaids--you should know how much children love those.

  3. If it makes you feel and better it is hot here is SC as well. I just got in from work. Ready your blog takes me to WDW for a few precious moments with each one of them. Keep up the good work!

  4. I meent to say "reading". See what 12 hours in the ER will do for you?
