Friday, June 26, 2009

one week down

so I have finished my first full week with the Walt Disney Company! hooray! today we had to be in early so that we could do check outs on our first script on stage with the mics before guests got into the park. I passed! :) so now I get to move on to the next one for Monday. We didn't do anything terribly exciting today except get to see the remaining 3 KDCs that we hadn't already been to on Wednesday. These were the Dinoland, Camp Minnie Mickey, and Tree of Life KDCs. We also got rained on which I suppose I'm going to have to get used to here in Florida seeing as how it rains almost every day. The most exciting part about today was that I found out that after next week my regular days off will be Fridays and Saturdays which I'm pretty pumped about since those were my first choices! We have the next two days off so I think some of the interns, mostly the girls, are going out tonight since this will be one of the last times we will all have off together! Next week we will have 2 shadow days where we will work in small groups out in the parks and 2 days of pairs and then the week after we are on our own for good. I'm kind of nervous but pretty excited to get out there and interact with guests too! Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. camp mickey minnie--woo hoo--have we ever been there--guess we will soon!
    see you next weekend--yourpuppy misses you!

  2. and i miss her too! and y'all!
    oh and you have at least walked through camp because you have to go that way to get to the lion king show! but i'm sure you haven't ever noticed our station...get excited!

  3. Glad to hear all of your good news.

  4. It appears tht you are really gettinginto disneyland!!I an so proud of you. mamamah
