Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hump day!

So I'm 3 days into this work week and feeling a little tired but pretty good. Today I got to work parade again which was really exciting! I just love being able to walk around and talk to people without worrying about teaching them anything or giving a conservation message...not that I don't love that aspect of my job because I do and I also think its really important, its just nice to take a break sometimes. I also love parade because watching little kids see their favorite character come dancing down the street just makes my day!

Today was also an interesting day because I got to see first-hand some of the mating behavior of our siamangs. lol We had been warned that it would happen and that it would happen right in front of guests for everyone to see but no matter how prepared they try to make us it is still an awkward situation. But no worries, I had a little girl tell me that the "mommy and daddy monkeys were kissing" haha and if that works for her and her parents that works for me! Other than that it was a pretty good day...I made a new friend, a little girl who turned 4 today and talked to me for like 10 minutes about all the animal noises she knew and how lions were bad and how at rainforest cafe the thunder and lightening comes! she was adorable!

The only bad thing about today was it was hot! really, really hot! I will be glad for october when the days are much more bareable. Only 2 more days until my weekend!

DAK fun fact...Animal Kingdom has the largest herd of Nile hippos in the Western Hemisphere (and as you ride Kilamanjaro Safari they are separated by sex, boys on the right and girls on the left!)


  1. I think it's discrimination when you separate the boys from the girls--is there a hippo union? JK
    Love you--glad you got parade duty--sounds like you had fun!

  2. um you think mating siamangs is bad, try mating tortises. They grunt. It's awful and the kids were always like look they are giving each other a piggy back ride... then you would hear a grunt and the kid would say, oh i guess hes too heavy...i love it. Kids are awesome. miss you chika.
