Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 2 and 3!

Hey all! sorry I didn't update yesterday but I'll fill you in: Yesterday morning we had Traditions which is a 4 hour training class that Disney has for all of its new employees that basically outlines all the history of the company up to date and emphasizes that the beliefs that Walt Disney himself developed however many years ago are still practiced here today and that's what makes the "Disney Difference". Then after that we had lunch and then met up with Nadine (my boss) who took us to a room with computers where we learned how to log into the Hub which is Disney's intranet system and also we learned how to put in our hours so that we get paid. Very important!! lol! so after everyone was finished with that we all headed over from Disney University where we were which is behind the Magic Kingdom over to costuming at DAK (Disney's Animal Kingdom) to get fitted for costumes! they are stunning let me tell you...not...but there are costumes that could be worse. I checked out 5 shorts and 5 shirts and my vest, belt and rain gear which we keep in a fanny pack (go ahead rebecca you can laugh at me its ok!)
Today was our DAKlimations training which started at 8 this morning with a 3 hour walking tour of the park. We saw basically everything there is to see and even got to sit in on a showing of "Its tough to be a bug". Then we had lunch in the cafeteria which was pretty good food although a little pricey so I'm planning on taking my lunch pretty often to save some bucks. After that we headed over to the safari where we interns got our own safari truck with an animal keeper who told us all about the animals we saw. Then it was off to the classroom where we had another 4 hour class which was basically about guest interaction and creating the magic! It was pretty interesting but made for a long day. Although I cant complain too much because after it was all said and done they gave us each 2 fastpasses for Expedition Everest which made for a great way to end any day at Disney.
Now that I have my ID I'm hoping to get some people together to hit the parks one night especially for some fireworks some where. We are off Thursday, Saturday and Sunday this week so maybe one of those days if I'm not too exhausted. Well that's all for now...on the job training starts tomorrow from 8-5!


  1. ah how exciting! fanny packs! your awesome. ps. work it out with disney so me and becca can come down and be belle and aurora

  2. i can comment now, i am very happy! i miss you. and im super jealous you got fast passes to exp. everest!

  3. I am looking forward to keeping up with your adventure. Sure sounds like fun to me. Can I be 22 again?
