Friday, June 19, 2009

first day!

So my first day is over and done with! It really wasn't too bad or overwhelming. I started with paperwork at 11:30 and was done by about noon. Then I went back to the apartment and met up with Dessa and her mom and we turned around and left again to meet with our managers at 1:00 after we dropped off Dessa's mom across the street at Downtown Disney. Our meeting was with the 3 animal programs managers and all the animal programs interns, which includes the vet people, the seas people, animal nutrition, and us presenters. Probably around 40 people total. We did a quick icebreaker basically to get everyone to say their names, schools and hometowns. Turns out one of my managers is from Columbia, SC and went to USC and there is another intern who either goes to or just graduated from Coastal but I cant remember what her internship was. After that we went over our schedule for the upcoming week starting with Traditions tomorrow morning at 7:30!! Which is why I have to go to bed now but I will put in more updates as the week goes on! Goodnight all and I hope you have magical dreams! :)

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