Friday, August 14, 2009

to catch everyone up!

Hello everyone! sorry its been so long since my last post. Life got pretty busy and I've been really exhausted when I got home, well come to find out it was because my body was fighting illness. I got sick this week, no worries just a cold, but it has taken a lot out of me. Playing with kids all day exposes you to a lot of germs I guess. Oh well hopefully I will get better by tomorrow though because this week I had Thur/Fri off because I switched with Dessa so that she could go home for her grandfather's birthday.
Work has been good though. About the same everyday except this past Wednesday. Every year the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) chooses an animal that is in need to "celebrate" and try to educate people about. And since DAK is both AZA and WAZA accredited, we got to participate in the celebration. This year we are celebrating the Year of the Gorilla and Wednesday was the day we chose to really do some real gorilla education. Four of the twenty presenters were chosen to work a table at conservation station that included getting kids involved in putting together a puzzle that showed pictures of things they could do to help animals like gorillas, and I was one of those who were chosen. It was really cool because it was something different from what I do everyday and also it was pretty exciting to me because it is an activity that they actually do with kids in an orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo near where the mountain gorillas live that Dian Fossey studied.
Well that's about all from me for now. I'm just trying to get well so that I can get back out there perky and smiling and enjoying Disney Magic!

DAK Fun Fact --> there are 4 different subspecies of gorillas and all 8 of the gorillas at DAK are western lowland gorillas! They are separated into 2 troups, the family troup consisting of the large silverback male and 4 females, and the bachelor group of 4 boys. Learn more about the year of the gorilla and the projects out there to help these incredible animals at


  1. very interesting Disney factoid! Fell better soon! Disney people don't get sick do they-they are always "perky"!

  2. Hope you are feeking better. The animals will know if you don't feel well. You are so lucky to get chosen for all the unique things. Love to you. Mamamah

  3. I am glad to here that things are going well. I was about to worried about you. Remember by philosophy, feed and cold and feed a fever.

  4. No I can't type "hear"

  5. last year was the year of the frog I think :) but gorillas are way cooler than frogs. The gorilla at riverbanks escaped over the summer so be careful. ps. i love bachelor troops because they are more agressive and do cool things like beat on their chests and run at each other. also i miss you.
